Discuss Together Think of a time in your life when someone was especially generous to you, in order to help you in a time of need. Share about it with the group. Talk about a time when you felt compelled to be especially generous to someone else in order to help them meet a need. What compelled you to give? Read 2 Corinthians 8:1-7. This passage describes a special giving project to address famine relief in Jerusalem. Paul uses the Macedonians as an example of how to think about giving to “above and beyond” needs. What can we learn from this passage and their example? What do you think it means to excel in the “grace of giving”? Look together at components of the Reimagine project by going to reimagine.chaseoaks.org. What most excites you about the project? Why? When it comes to the project, how are you thinking through how you want to participate? Jeff said, “It is not about equal gifts, because we all have different levels of ability to give. But it is about equal faithfulness – equal faith and equal sacrifice.” What does it mean for a gift to be sacrificial? Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-7. What are some principles we see that apply to how we think about giving to a project like Reimagine? Take a moment to pray together as a group for the step before us as a church. Ask God to give you wisdom in discerning how to give by faith and to give willingly, cheerfully, expectantly, and sacrificially.