Reimagine Next Steps Group Guide

May 2024

Discuss Together

  • Think of a time when you had to take a scary leap of faith. Maybe it was moving to a new area, quitting a job, starting a relationship, or something else. What caused you to make that jump? What happened as a result?
  • Jeff said, “Life is made up of defining moments and decision points that God puts in our lives that are trajectory-changing.” As you look back, what are a few defining moments that changed the trajectory of your life?
  • At the beginning of the book of Joshua, a new generation was ready to enter into the Promised Land. The previous generation had held back in fear and, as a result, they missed out on all that God had for them. Read about how Joshua and this new generation took their scary step of faith across the Jordan River and into the Promised Land in Joshua 3:9-17. What stands out to you?
  • Tara-Leigh Cobble, host of The Bible Recap, observed about this passage: “The last time the people of Israel needed to cross a large body of water, God stopped the water before they entered it (the Red Sea out of Egypt). This time, the water doesn’t stop until they step into it. Walking with God requires increasing amounts of obedience and trust.” Have you found this to be true in your faith journey? How and why?
  • When faced with a big decision and scary step, how do you know when to jump and when not to?
  • In what ways do you hope Reimagine will be a trajectory-changing and defining moment for our church? What are you most hoping to see happen as a result of this faith step that we take together?
  • Read Joshua 1:9. Is there a scary step you are facing today? How does this passage help you go about being wise, faithful, and bold?
  • As you close your group time, turn Joshua 1:9 into a prayer. Ask God for clarity and wisdom in the direction you should go… and for boldness and his empowering presence, both in the scary step you’re facing in your own life and also for Reimagine.