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December 2022

Discuss Together

  • Whether at work, school, or in relationship with others, we all have to give and receive feedback. What have you learned about giving feedback to someone? What works and what doesn’t?
  • How well do you receive feedback? Have you known someone who shared feedback with you in a helpful way?
  • In Psalm 139, David prays a dangerous prayer: he asks God for feedback. Read together Psalm 139:23-24. What are the different requests David makes of God? Why is each request distinct?
  • Why is asking God to search us or reveal our fears and sins a dangerous prayer? Have you ever prayed something similar to David’s prayer?
  • What keeps us from wanting to spend time examining ourselves (or asking God to examine us)? What makes that difficult or even painful?
  • Read Psalm 139:13-16. David writes this before he prays his dangerous prayer. Why? What is it about God that gives David the courage he needs to ask for God’s feedback?
  • Where are you feeling especially anxious this season? How can we pray for you?