Send Me

December 2022

Discuss Together

  • What are one or two memorable, mile-marker “don’t forget this date” moments in your life? Why are they memorable?
  • Sometimes God makes his presence more real at specific moments in our lives. Is there a time that stands out to you?
  • Read Isaiah 6:1-8. What stands out to you about this scene?
  • Can you identify with Isaiah’s reaction to being in the presence of God? What does he feel? What is the significance of the burning coal?
  • What are some barriers that keep us from praying, “Send me”? What makes this a difficult and dangerous prayer?
  • Does “send me” always mean going somewhere else? Why or why not?
  • What does it look like for you to live as a “sent person” this week? Get specific.
  • How much clarity do you have in your calling (the way God has wired you to make a difference and join his mission)? If you have clarity, share what you’ve discovered. If you don’t have clarity, how could you go about finding it?

Next Steps

Over the next 30 days, commit to praying, “Here I am, Lord, send me.” Let us know that you’re praying (and if you’d like a staff member to follow up on how God might be nudging you to use your gifts at Chase Oaks) by filling out a quick form, here.