Take the Bible Personally Group Guide

June 2023

  1. At the beginning of 2023, you probably had at least a few goals for the new year. What’s one of those goals? Now that we are about halfway through the year, do you still have momentum toward that goal?

  2. Do you feel momentum in your faith? How does momentum in a person’s faith relate to achieving the goals we have for ourselves each year?

  3. Ryan mentioned that he believes anyone, anywhere can get on the right path, one step at a time. Do you believe this? How does it encourage you to realize that we can grow by just taking one step at a time?

  4. We hope you enjoy our weekend services. That being said, what are some things that can hap-pen when our faith doesn’t go beyond attending services? What are some ways we can take our faith beyond weekend church service?

  5. Do you find it hard to make the Bible a bigger part of your life? Why or why not? What are realistic steps you have taken (or could take) to help you in this area?

  6. Has God ever directly spoken to you through the Bible about something that needed to be transformed in your life? Share with the group.

  7. Read Mark 4:1-20. What do you find disheartening? What do you find encouraging? What are things that can help your heart to be “good soil?”

  8. Read James 1:22-24. What are some reasons that people don’t apply what they hear from practical teaching? (Be specific)

  9. Share an area of your life where you want the Lord to speak to you directly through practical teaching or reading the Bible. If you took steps to seek this out, what do you think could be the result?