The Environment

October 2020


During this series where we’re looking at big issues from a Biblical perspective, it is important to create a safe, welcoming, and authentic space for great conversations. This week, as we talk about the environment, please share (or remind everyone of) the following ground rules:

  • As you discuss, believe the best about one another.

  • Participate by seeking to understand, rather than change someone’s mind.

  • Look for common ground.

  • If things become too heated, call a time-out and take a breather.

  • Share and affirm personal experiences.

Discuss Together

  • If you could go right now to any refreshing or rejuvenating place in the world, where would you go?

  • What is it about the outdoors or nature that connects with you on a spiritual or soul level? Do you sense more of His presence outside? If so, how?

  • Eric shared how talking about nature isn’t controversial, but when the discussion moves to discussing the environment, it can become more charged. Why do you think that’s the case? What can make this a challenging conversation?

Read Genesis 1:26-28 and 2:15.

  • Why is it important to discuss the distinctiveness of people when talking about the environment?

  • Is there an “image of God” issue, like combatting sex trafficking, racism, poverty, or fighting for human dignity somewhere that you are particularly passionate about? Share with the group.

  • What does it mean to rule creation? How do you see your role in relating to issues of the environment?

  • Sometimes there is an “anti-science” bent associated with religion. Have you seen or experienced that? What should the relationship between science and following God look like?

  • How would you rate yourself as a steward of God’s creation? Where do you have room to grow?

  • We can’t fix everything that is broken in the world or the environment on our own. But we can all do something. What is one step you can take to become a better steward?


Brainstorm ways you and your group can serve our community and steward the environment. Get creative! Is it cleaning up a polluted and littered area? Is it changing the way you consume or what you purchase? Is it learning or advocating more about the issues? Resolve to do one thing in the next week.

Also, check out what is happening with our Here For Good Project by going to