The God Who Sees

October 2022

Discuss Together

  • What is one thing you learned or has stood out to you from this series on the Names of God?
  • Have you ever felt unseen, unnoticed, or overlooked? Where and how?
  • Read Genesis 16:1-16. Greg shared questions and observations that troubled him from this passage? What questions or things trouble you from what you read?
  • Hagar’s name means stranger. Why is this significant? What can we learn about God based on how He interacts with her in this passage?
  • When in your life have you felt like you were in the desert? Do you feel like you are in one right now?
  • Have you ever sensed God’s pursuit of you in a real and palpable way? How?
  • What does it mean today for us to be the community of El Roi (the God who sees)?
  • Is there someone or some need that needs more attention – a person or situation that may be in danger of being overlooked? What would it look like to engage and help?