The Jesus Brand Group Guide

September 2023

Group Discussion

Brands are all around us. More than just marketing or packaging, the word brand refers to all of the associations and emotions a name elicits. Ultimately, great brands make big promises about things that are deeply important to us. Christianity is a religion, but it’s also the world’s most important brand. Jesus defined the brand promise 2,000 years ago; he told us clearly what he wanted us, his followers, to be known for as we represent him to a watching world.

  • What’s your favorite brand? What are they known for, and what about the brand do you resonate with the most?
  • What do you think Christianity is known for today in our culture? What are words you’ve heard people as they describe this particular brand?
  • How has the perception of Christianity changed in your lifetime? Why do you think there has been a shift?
  • Is it strange for you to talk about Christianity as a brand? How do you find the analogy to be helpful?
  • Read John 13:33-35. What does Jesus want his followers to be known for? Does that surprise you? What are some other things he could have said that might have been more predictable?
  • The Bible has a lot of passages that talk about loving people, including Leviticus 19:18 and Matthew 5:44. What’s new about Jesus’ command in the passage from John 13? How would you define the type of love Jesus wants us to be known for?

In his soon-to-be released book, Jeff writes,

Radical love is the Jesus brand. It’s the way Christians roll – or should roll. The earliest Christians embodied this love, and they turned the world upside down (as some opponents of Christianity in Acts 17:6 observed). The Christians largely won over a skeptical world with the alluring force of the love they displayed. Church history demonstrates that the way early Christians loved people – including those who were persecuting them – was impossible to ignore.
  • Has anyone turned your world upside down (in a good sense) because he or she showed you radical love in a particular way? How?
  • Why is love such a powerful motivator for change? If it’s so powerful, why do we tend to use other methods (e.g., yelling at people from afar, using authority or power) to try to enact change?
  • It’s hard to know how to show radical love in different situations. Is there a particular relationship or setting where you are wrestling to do this? Share with each other.
  • What questions, challenges, and tension points arise as you consider being known as the most loving people imaginable in our world?
  • What are some places in which God has placed you? What would it look like, practically, to engage others with radical love in those places?

Over the course of this series, we’ll talk more about some of the tension points and challenges that come with living into the “Jesus brand” of radical love. Take a moment to pray for God’s wisdom as you consider this in your own life; pray also for the discussions you’ll have together over the next few weeks.

Going Deeper

Personal Study During the Week


  • If you haven’t done so already, pre-order a copy of Jeff’s upcoming book called “Rebranding Christianity.” Releasing on September 19, the book will help you share these concepts with friends and family as you take these conversations deeper.

Reflect in the App

  • The Chase Oaks App features a reading plan to help you reflect on Scripture and these concepts during the week. You can start the reading plan today!


  • Leading up to the launch of the book, Jeff and co-author Mike Hogan will be releasing weekly discussions in their “Rebranding Christianity” podcast. For this week, listen to Episodes 1-3. You can find the episodes on, or wherever you stream podcasts.
    • Episode 1: “A Pastor’s Journey Toward Rebranding”
    • Episode 2: “A Branding Expert Confronts the Christian ‘Brand’”
    • Episode 3: “Brands Are All Around Us"