The Lord My Shepherd

September 2022

Discuss Together

  • Google the meaning of your name. Does the meaning surprise you, or is it connected to why your parents gave you that name?
  • How did Ryan describe the status of shepherds during biblical times? How does this context give significance to why God would describe Himself as a shepherd?
  • Read Psalm 23 slowly as a group. What are some words or phrases that impact you as you read it today? Why?
  • What does it mean that God provides contentment... that we “lack nothing”?
  • Where do you most struggle to feel content? What have you learned about taking that area to God to find contentment?
  • Where do you need God the Shepherd to provide comfort, peace, and His presence? Where does it feel like you are walking through a valley right now?

Next Steps

Turn Psalm 23 into a prayer. Personalize it and pray through it, asking God to be your shepherd and provide you with His goodness and mercy for all of your days.