The Most Misunderstood Saying of Jesus

October 2024


  • Before diving into this week’s topic, October-18-20 is our All-Call Baptism. Jeff will speak on the meaning of baptism, share the gospel, and invite people to get baptized RIGHT THEN AND THERE. With that in mind, have you been baptized? If so, what led you to get baptized, and if not, have you considered it? Is there someone you are praying for to make the decision to follow Jesus and consider getting baptized?
  • The end of each Group Guide for this series contains ways to grow in the spiritual practice of reading the Bible. From the suggestion for last week, did anyone try reading a large portion of Scripture aloud in one sitting? If so, how was it different from how you typically read the Bible?
  • For this week’s “Record Scratch” statement from Jesus, read Matthew 7:6. Do you remember anything from the message that you’d like to mention?
  • Jeff shared that Jesus’ words aren’t about the unworthiness of the dogs or pigs but about the unhelpfulness of the pearls. Pearls are valuable to us but have no value to pigs. What are some examples of “valuable things” that are not fully appreciated by a particular audience (could be humorous, serious, or anything in-between)?
  • Read 1 Peter 3:15-16. What can happen when we share “pearls” with people who are not receptive, or we share in an insensitive way? What can happen if we share with gentleness and respect?
  • Jeff shared three important truths for sharing the good news of Jesus: live a compelling life, be ready to share, and share with gentleness and respect. What would it look like for us to live a compelling life?
  • What was it like when you first heard the gospel?
  • Have you ever had an opportunity to share your faith? Did you do it and if so, how did it go?
  • We have the most valuable pearl of all: the truth that through Jesus, we can have a relationship with God that lasts forever and changes everything. Returning to the first question, is there someone you are praying for to follow Jesus? Let’s take some time to pray for one another and for the opportunity and boldness to share our faith with that person, with gentleness and respect.


Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... (1 Peter 3:15b)


During this series on the words of Jesus, we can focus on the spiritual practice of Scripture and grow in our understanding of the Bible. Here are some teachings and activities from Practicing the Way.

  • Listen to this teaching on “The Bible as Meditation Literature” 
  • We can get frustrated with the Bible when we approach it as an encyclopedia—an entirely literal, linear one-size-fits-all manual for life in the modern world. But the Bible wasn't designed as a handy reference manual or textbook. The Bible describes itself as a library designed for a lifetime of ongoing meditation. This week, we can explore the ancient spiritual discipline of Lectio Divina, or “divine reading.” Read more about Lectio Divina here.
  • Set aside 3-5 times this week to practice Lectio Divina.
  • What makes Lectio Divina different than a “bible study” or a teaching?
  • Which of the steps in Lectio Divina feel the most foreign to your current practice of Scripture reading? Which do you feel the most excited about?