Special Instructions: During this group time, we have an opportunity for each person to share their story in ~3 minutes. Make sure to set aside enough time for sharing based on the number of people in your group.
- This week, April talked about the power of invitation. To kick things off, what’s a memorable invitation you’ve received? (It could be a meaningful conversation, first date, new job, request to do something, party/dinner/wedding/graduation/event, etc.) And what access or opportunity opened up to you through that invitation?
- Read Acts 8:26-30. Philip received two specific commands to “go” and he went. When it comes to God’s command for us to go and make disciples, do you sense God prompting you in any specific direction or towards a specific person?
- In Acts 8:31-35, the eunuch invited Philip to “come and sit” with him, and in that space, Philip shared the Gospel – the good news about Jesus. Let’s practice communicating the Gospel by sharing it through our stories. Give each person 3-5 minutes, depending on your group size, and set a timer to make sure each person who wants to share gets a turn. It’s not mandatory, but everyone should consider taking this opportunity, since it’s a blessing to the group to hear from each person.
- If you are not a Jesus follower, you still have a valuable story. You can share the following: What led you to be a part of this group, and where are you on your spiritual journey?
- If you went through the “How to Share Your Story” guide, then you can start to share your story.
- If you did not go through the guide or need some guidance, you can answer the following questions: What was life like before following Jesus? How did you come to follow Jesus? What do you believe is the Gospel? And how has life changed since becoming a Jesus-follower?
- Thank you for sharing your story! And if you haven’t gone through the “How to Share Your Story” guide, we encourage you to do so, to help with sharing the gospel through your story.
- Let’s pray for the people God is placing in our lives, opportunities for invitation, and confidence to share our story.
And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. But do this in a gentle and respectful way. (
1 Peter 3:15-16)
If you haven’t already, go through the “
How to Share Your Story” guide. Then, pray for and take the opportunity to share your story with someone this week, and then share about that experience at your next group meeting.