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The Power of No Group Guide

January 2025


  • Icebreaker
    • Tell us about a time you said yes to something that was not your best “yes.”
    • Did you ever want to be a rock star or play an instrument? How did that go?
    • When you say “yes” to something, do you think about having to say “no” to something else?
  • Potential deeper questions:
    • Do you know your gifting? Can you state it in one sentence?
    • Have you gone through Repurposed? If so, share your two-word purpose.
  • Read Ephesians 2:10. Do you feel like a masterpiece? Take a moment and share a positive attribute about the person to your right or what you think may be their gifting. You may also consider writing this down on a piece of paper and handing it to them to keep.
  • Read Jeremiah 1:5. God knew you and formed you in the womb and set you apart. You’ve been placed to make a specific impact. How can you share this truth with someone this week who needs to hear it?
  • Tell us about a time that you did something, and it just felt like you were meant to do it. Or share about a time you did something that was very effective, and the experience really energized you. A powerful impact may be an indicator to your gifting.
  • Read 1 Timothy 4:13-15. Jeff talked about how Timothy was gifted as a preacher and teacher while Paul was gifted as an entrepreneurial church planter and missionary. Paul had to remind Timothy to not neglect his gift. Jeff discussed three reasons why we may neglect our own gifts. Which one of these are you struggling with right now?
    • Gift Ignorance – we don’t know our gift or are not convinced we have a gift.
    • Gift Envy – we compare our gift to others and minimize ours and maximize others.
    • Gift Drift – we don’t focus on our gift (“fanning it into flame”). We may drift, because it comes naturally, and we may not work on improving it and instead focus on improving our weaknesses.
  • If you’ve struggled with one of these in the past, what can you share with your group to encourage those who are struggling with one now?
  • Read 2 Timothy 1:6. What are practical ways you can fan into flame the gift God has given you this week?
  • Pray for each other – that we would all fan into flame the gift God has given us.


For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10


  • If you know your gifting or calling and haven’t written it down, do so. Share it with someone this week. If you don’t know it, start uncovering it. One way is to follow Jeff’s suggestion to think about 8-10 stories from your childhood when you did things that came naturally, were effective, or felt energizing. Is there a pattern you can discern?
  • How is the fact that God created you uniquely for a purpose to do good impacting your life today?
  • Consider meeting with another group member this week to discuss your gifting. Help each other sharpen it. Are you in gift ignorance, envy, or drift? How can you encourage each other to fan it into flame?
  • Who do you need to talk to this week and have an ICNU conversation?
  • Consider taking Repurposed through Chase Oaks to help you uncover your purpose. Learn more here. The next session will be scheduled later this year.
  • If you would like to take a spiritual gift survey, here is one from LifeWay that may be helpful.
  • Pray and ask God to empower you through his Holy Spirit to focus on your gifting, to fan it into flame, and to use it for God’s glory this week.