The Pride in Our Blind Spot

July 2022

Discuss Together

  • Can you think of a time where you got served a slice of “humble pie”—a moment when you weren’t at your most glamorous? Share with the group.
  • How would you define “pride”? What about “humility”?
  • Read Proverbs 11:2; 16:18-19; 21:4, and 22:4. How is wisdom connected to humility and pride? How are these concepts related?
  • Pride is tricky because of the nature of pride: someone who has too much of it won’t think it’s a problem for them. How would a person know they are acting pridefully? What are some of the symptoms to look for?
  • Read Luke 18:14. Cindy said, “We sometimes think of humility as something that happens to us—we understand the significance of being humbled. But this verse is telling us that humbling ourselves is active, not passive.” What does it mean to actively humble yourself?
  • How have other people helped you to keep your pride in check or fight the battle against shame, comparison, and competing against others?

Next Steps

If you would like to process life with someone who is wise and discerning, going to a counselor is a great step to consider. Chase Oaks Church can refer you to a network of counselors, and the first assessment is free. To find out more, go to