The Super Mario Bros. Group Guide

June 2024

Discussion Guide

  • Jeff said that we all have a little “Mario” and a little “Luigi” in us: Mario is an optimistic risk taker, and Luigi is a more anxious, risk-averse personality. In what areas of your life do you lean more towards optimism and risk-taking? In what areas of your life are you more risk-averse?
  • Share with your group about time when you took a big risk and it ended up being incredibly rewarding.
  • God uses the Church to get his mission done. Here’s a list of what the “big-C” Church has done historically (“big-C” Church means all followers of Jesus, from the beginning of Pentecost in Acts 2 until now):
    • Promoted public education and literacy for all (including women and children)
    • Created public places specific for medical care (i.e., hospitals)
    • Established social service and charity organizations domestically and internationally (orphanages, relief efforts, global humanitarian efforts)
    • Worked to abolish and end slavery, prostitution, child labor, and animal cruelty
  • What are your initial reactions to this list? What are some things you see Chase Oaks do well as part of the big-C Church? How does that inspire you to take the next risk in your faith journey?
  • Jeff equates the ‘power-up’ in the Christian life as being filled with the Holy Spirit. How does that sit with you?
  • Quick facts about the Holy Spirit:
    • He is the Third Person of the Trinity, not ‘a force’ or ‘positive energy’ or any other inanimate/ephemeral entity.
    • He dwells in every believer and will never be removed.
    • He gives well-defined gifts to every believer.
    • He empowers, strengthens, and preserves the believer for every good work.
  • Sometimes the topic of the Holy Spirit can be more confusing than inspiring. What questions do you have about the Holy Spirit that can help with the confusion? In what ways can you be increasingly aware of the Holy Spirit in your life this week?
  • Jeff said that a safe life is not a Jesus-following life. List a few possible objections to Jeff’s statement. Then take a minute for silent, prayerful reflection and ask the Holy Spirit to show you where in your life and faith you are playing it too. Share with your group.
  • When we think about “Anchoring the Faith of the Next Generation,” in what ways can you inspire the younger generation to live dangerously for Jesus and his mission?