There for Good Group Guide

March 2023

Discuss Together

  • On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your awareness about world events and global issues?
  • Has a past trip, experience, or relationship helped expand your global awareness? How and in what way?
  • Read Genesis 12:1-3. What was the purpose of God’s blessing? What was Abraham called to do? How does this apply to us today?
  • Have you found it more challenging to have a “there for good” global mindset than a “here for good” local mindset? Why or why not? What unique challenges are there to being “there for good”?
  • Flip through the “There for Good” Impact Report. What do you think about Chase Oaks’ global strategy? Why is it important to be thoughtful in how we engage?
  • What is a project or two in the report that inspires or particularly resonates with you?
  • God isn’t calling us to do everything, but he is calling us to do something. What is something you can do to engage in being “there for good?”