This Is Not Our Party

November 2022

Discuss Together

  • What is the best (or most memorable) party you’ve ever attended? What made it stand out?
  • Describe a time where you felt completely out of place (maybe you weren’t dressed correctly, or you found yourself in a different social circle). Have you ever felt out of place in a religious setting?
  • Read Mark 2:13-17. What can we learn about what Jesus was like from the fact that outsiders wanted to eat with Him?
  • Why do you think Jesus was so comfortable at parties? Does it surprise you that He liked being at these types of gatherings?
  • Read together this week’s DNA statement.
    This Is Not Our Party: We are never more like Jesus than when we give up our preferences for the sake of others. We design every part of Chase Oaks to not only be relevant to us, but also compelling and engaging to those who have yet to come.
  • Talk about a time you invited a non-churched friend to attend a service. How did it change the way you saw and evaluated the experience?
  • Read Philippians 2:3-11. How did Jesus give up His comfort and preferences for our sake?
  • What does it look like for you to give up your preferences for the sake of others, at church, at home, at work, or in your neighborhood?
  • Ryan mentioned another DNA statement: We’re All in the Same Boat. How does acknowledging that all of us have room to grow (and steps to take) shape the way we do church… and the way we do our small group?
  • Is there a preference you need to let go of for the sake of someone else?
  • What is your role (or what could it be) in preparing the party for others who have yet to come?