We Are Not Set in Our Ways

October 2022

Discuss Together

  • We’re all creatures of habit. Where do you most often see this show up in your day-to-day life?
  • Share about a time when you came to the realization that change was needed, or that your current way of doing things wasn’t working anymore. What caused you to have that realization? What challenges did you run into as you tried to do something different?
  • Read Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:6-8, Acts 2:42-47, and John 13:34. As you read, keep in mind the following questions: What is the mission Jesus gave us? What are the key biblical “functions” we need to be doing in order to live into that mission? Talk about your observations.
  • Read together this week’s DNA statement.
    We Are Not Set in Our Ways: Though our biblical “functions” stay the same, we change our church “forms” to reach a shifting culture. We look for opportunities to modify whatever we do so that we can be as effective as possible with the mission we’ve been given.
  • Eric shared about how it is easy to fall in love with a method (a way of going about the mission). Why is it easy for this to happen? What are the dangers of falling in love with our methods?
  • What is the difference between being flexible versus flimsy? When is it okay to change and when is it not?
  • How does being clear on the mission help you process what needs to change, either in church or in your life?
  • Where are you most likely to be “set in your ways”? Where do you feel most in need of “recalibrating” because conditions have changed?