We See Beauty in Diversity

November 2022

Discuss Together

  • Share about a rich and fulfilling friendship you’ve had with a person from a different ethnicity. How did it help you see the beauty that is found in diversity?
  • If diversity is so beautiful and rich, why is it so rare for people to have diverse relationships?
  • Read John 17:20-23, Ephesians 3:10-11, and Revelation 7:9. What can we learn about God’s heart for unity and diversity in His church? Why are both so important
  • Read together this week’s DNA statement.
    We See Beauty in Diversity: Our unity is beautiful when it reflects the diversity of our world. We are committed to the hard work of bringing different people together for good and demonstrating God’s love in unexpected ways.
  • What have you learned about doing the “hard work” to intentionally build diverse relationships? What does it take? Why can it be hard?
  • Share about a time where a person from a different ethnicity, generation, culture, or background helped you see something from a different point of view. How did their perspective help you?
  • If you were to make a mosaic of your friendship circle, how diverse would it be?
  • What is one courageous step you can take to find and or form more diverse relationships?