What Jesus Said About Baptism Group Guide

October 2024

  • Check in as a group. What is one word that describes your past week or so, and why?
  • Each Group Guide for this series contains ways to grow in the spiritual practice of reading the Bible. From the last time, did anyone try the suggested approaches to studying the Bible, and if so, how did it go?
  • This past weekend was an All-Call Baptism weekend. For those who were at a service or watched it online, what were your thoughts as you witnessed people getting baptized?
  • Read Matthew 3:13-15. John the Baptist had been baptizing many people at that point. When Jesus approached John and asked John to baptize him (record scratch!), why do you think John tried to talk Jesus out of it? How would you react if Jesus asked you to baptize him?
  • Read Matthew 3:16-17. This baptism event marked the start of Jesus’ public ministry. What things do you see happen in these verses right after Jesus gets baptized, and what would you think and feel if you were there and saw that happen?
  • Read Matthew 28:18-20. This passage is called “The Great Commission” and describes Jesus giving his final words to his followers in the book of Matthew. What role does baptism have in Jesus’ Great Commission for us?
  • Even though baptism isn’t necessary for salvation, Jeff laid out three reasons why every Jesus-follower should be baptized:
    • for you, as baptism is a marker event that seals your decision to follow Jesus,
    • for others, as baptism identifies you as a Jesus-follower, and
    • for Jesus, as baptism honors him.
  • If you have been baptized, how has that been a “marker event” in your relationship with Jesus?
  • Baptism is an outward expression of an inward decision to follow Jesus. Would anyone like to share your story of when and how you made the decision to follow Jesus, and what your life has been like since making that decision?
  • If you haven’t been baptized yet, what might help you make that decision? And for all of us, how can we support and encourage one another in our group to live out our faith publicly?
  • Let’s end our group time praying for one another.


Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. - Matthew 28:19-20


  • During this series on the words of Jesus, we can focus on the spiritual practice of Scripture and grow in our understanding of the Bible. Here are some teachings and activities from Practicing the Way.
  • Listen to this teaching on “The Bible Put to Memory”.
  • As disciples of Jesus, some of the greatest transformation we will experience takes place amongst the thoughts in our minds. A renewed mind leads to a transformed life.
  • All throughout church history, disciples of Jesus have pressed into the practice of knowing the Scriptures — and more specifically putting to memory the truths of God found on the pages of the Bible.
  • In meditating and memorizing Scripture, we don’t just follow the commands found within them. We also employ the deeper reality and power of those words to combat the lies of the enemy about ourselves, culture, God, political climates, and who our real enemy is. When we harness God’s truth in our minds through meditation and memorization, it becomes both a realized and embodied experience.
  • Read more about memorizing Scripture as well as some practical suggestions for memorization, here.
  • Pick one of the practical suggestions and try to memorize a verse. Each of these sermon discussion guides will have a verse to memorize, or you can pick your own.