When It’s Time To Slow Down…Or Speed Up Group Guide

February 2025


Choose the right questions for your group; no pressure to use all of them.
  1. Icebreaker:
    • Did you ever drive an old car? If so, tell us about it.
    • What do you think is the correct driving speed, and why?
  2. Here is a potentially deeper question: Have you ever been in a situation when you didn’t know if you should speed up or slow down?
  3. Read Psalm 90:1-4. Eric said Moses likely wrote this psalm near the end of his life after he had experienced many ups and downs. As you look back on your life, tell us about a time when God has been your dwelling place.
  4. Has your perspective about a season in life changed over time?
  5. Read Psalm 90:10 - 12. Do you see your days as numbered? When did that reality hit home (or is it hitting home right now)? How did (or does) that truth impact your life?
  6. Read Psalm 119:133. Eric talked about the second law of thermodynamics (entropy) – like an unkept garden, things left alone will devolve into disorder or chaos. What things in your life are devolving (or in danger of devolving) into disorder or chaos?
  7. Where do you need wisdom from God about how to spend your energy or time?
  8. How can you form a habit of stopping and asking God to “teach me to number my days and order my steps”?
  9. Jesus knew when to speed up, slow down, move on or stop. Is this a “go” or “slow” season in your life? How did you determine which season you are in?
  10. Read Psalm 90:14. God is here, in the middle of it all. Invite him in every morning, every moment. Pray this prayer, out loud, together: “God, teach me to number my days and order my steps.”


Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12

PUT IT INTO PRACTICE (In Between Meetings)

Ask God to open your heart and mind and speak to you. Read Psalm 119 and jot down key verses or thoughts that capture your attention.

Text a group member and ask them to pray that God would teach you to number your days and order your steps. Share with them a specific situation where you need God’s help.

Consider visiting this death clock. How many days do you have left? How can God help you order them? How does this impact you?

What habits can help you order your days? One useful tool can be found at Practicing the Way.

And here is a potentially helpful blog.

Consider reading the Ruthless Elimination of Hurry. Available for purchase on Amazon.

For the next week, consider keeping a journal of how you are using your time. Ask God to best number your days and order your steps so you can use your time and gifting (energy) wisely.

Pray this prayer daily: “God, teach me to number my days and order my steps.”