Why Pray? Group Guide

May 2024

Message Discussion Questions

  • How do you feel about the idea that prayer does not have to be a performance or something impressive? Does this challenge any of your previous views on prayer? How does this challenge you to be authentic in your prayers?
  • Ryan mentioned how we pray to God as a Father. Because our dads aren’t perfect, we might see God as disappointed in us. How does viewing God as a loving Father change your approach to prayer?
  • Read Luke 11:11 together. How does the analogy of a father giving good gifts to his children influence your expectations in prayer?
  • Ryan shared that God has an eternal perspective on our lives. How can this perspective help you in times of difficulty or confusion?
  • If we believe that God knows exactly what we need, then why do you think we should pray?

Discussion Questions for Personal Prayer Habits

  • How would you describe your current prayer life? Is prayer an active habit in your life? What does it consist of?
  • Is there something about praying that makes you uncomfortable or keeps you from praying?
  • What do you think it means to have prayer be an active habit? What would that take to make that happen? What could be the impact on your life? (This could look different for everyone)
  • How can your small group support each other in growing in your prayer lives?
  • Share a time when regular prayer made a significant difference in your life. What can you learn from that experience to apply now?