Wisdom for Big Decisions

May 2022

Discuss Together

  • The pandemic caused a lot of people to rethink their careers, goals, and lives overall. Some have called this the “Great Resignation.” Why do you think the pandemic spurred so much self-reflection and big questions for people?
  • Are you someone who tends to make decisions quickly (perhaps a little too quickly)? Or are you someone who is more likely to get paralyzed in making a decision or choosing a path? 
  • Read Proverbs 3:6. How do you go about finding God’s will? In your experience, how has He revealed it to you?
  • Read Proverbs 12:15. When have you sold yourself on a bad idea? What was your thought process at the time—and how did it turn out?
  • Who is someone wise that you consult when you are facing a big decision? How has he or she helped you in the past?
  • Jeff shared, “We are not here to be comfortable but missional. And sometimes when things get hard, it is an opportunity to persevere, to toughen us up. Other times, we are free to go.” In a career, community, or even a church, how would you know if it is time to stay or go? How do you know if your “assignment” is complete, or if God still has things for you to do, even if it’s uncomfortable?
  • What is a decision you are currently wrestling with? Together, work through some biblical principles that might apply. Share some advice with one another.

Next Steps 

In his book, Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets, Andy Stanley equips us with five catalytic questions to ask every time we make a decision. Read this book (and consider doing it with a few others) as you think through your decision-making grid.