You Are a Friend

June 2022

Discuss Together

  • Did you have a best friend growing up? Who was it and why were you close?
  • Has your view of what it means to be a great friend changed or evolved as you’ve grown up? What do you think it means to be a great friend now?
  • Read John 15:12-17. What does it mean for God to be our friend? How is this similar and different from our friendships with people?
  • In the message, Jeff shared a time in his life when he was forced to relate to God as a friend in a way he never had before, because of the circumstances he was going through. Have you had a time when you learned a lot about relating to God as a friend? What made this time unique?
  • What have you learned about growing in intimacy with God and deepening in friendship with Him?
  • Jeff said, “Jesus’ kind of love is the choice to set aside self for the sake of the other. It’s putting others ahead of us, sacrificing our comfort, our preferences, our resources, our time for the sake of the other. That’s what real friends do.” Who has been a real friend to you? How?
  • How connected do you feel in your friendship with God right now? Where is there momentum and where do you feel disconnected?
  • How connected do you feel in your friendships with people right now? Where is there momentum and where do you feel disconnected?
  • Is there someone you feel called to show radical love to this week?

Next Steps

Chase Oaks is designed to help you connect with others as you take steps in your faith journey. To find out how we can help, check out Chase Oaks Go! This three-week experience will give you practical tools to help you take steps in faith, hope, and love. Go is launching at all of our campuses on July 10. Register at