You Are a Priest

June 2022

Discuss Together

  • When you hear the word “priest,” what immediately comes to mind?
  • Share a time in your life when status really mattered. Was there a time when status was either in your favor or worked against you?
  • Read Hebrews 10:15-25 together. What makes this reality so different from the Old Testament era? Is this challenging for you to believe? Why or why not?
  • Reread Hebrews 10:23-25 and 1 Peter 2:9-10. Being a “VIPriest” means more than just full access to God at any time, even though that is amazing! What responsibilities do these verses give us? Why is this second part so important?
  • Ask someone to read Ephesians 4:1-12 and 1 Corinthians 12:4-7. Share some observations from these passages. We all play a part in the big picture of God’s mission to the world. Have you ever taken an assessment or done some exploring to learn about your unique gifting? Share with the group.
  • Think of one way this next week to tap into two realities of your priesthood which are:
    — You have full access to God.
    — You have a calling.
  • You have been placed right where you are to represent God to others who don’t know Him yet. How can you live into your priesthood this week? Who can help keep you on track?

Next Steps

If you want to get more clarity on where you are in your faith journey and how Chase Oaks is built to help you move forward, check out Chase Oaks Go! This 3-week experience will give you practical tools to help you take steps in faith, hope, and love. Go is launching on July 10 at all of our campuses. Register at

Looking for some connection? We have several opportunities to do that this summer. The women’s IF:Chase Oaks Conference is happening June 24-25, so be sure to register soon at! And guys, be on the lookout for info about our upcoming men’s hangouts in July.