You Are a Saint

June 2022

Discuss Together

  • If someone asked you to describe yourself, what are 3 or 4 words you would use?
  • What comes to mind when you hear the word, “saint”? How would you define it?
  • Read together Hebrews 10:1-14. What are some of the differences between the old covenant and the new covenant through Jesus? Why is this significant?
  • In verse 14, what does it mean that you are made perfect while also being made perfect or holy? How does that work?
  • How does the fact that God sees us as saints change the way we view failure?
  • One of the things we say around Chase Oaks is that transformation is an imperfect journey with a promised destination. We often think growth is a straight line that goes up and to the right, but that’s rarely the case and not what we see in the Bible. It’s full of ups (steps forward) and down (missteps or going sideways). How have you seen this in your life? How have you seen God show up in all of it?
  • What is a next step in your faith journey you want to focus on this summer? How can you implement a plan to make it happen?

Next Steps 

If you want to get more clarity on where you are at in your faith journey and how Chase Oaks is built to help you move forward, check out Chase Oaks Go! This three-week experience will give you practical tools to help you take steps in faith, hope, and love. Go is launching at all our campuses on July 10. Register at