You Are a Vessel

June 2022

Discuss Together

  • Have you ever broken something valuable (an expensive vase, an electronic device, glass, etc.)? What was it, and how did it get broken?
  • Read 2 Corinthians 4:7-12. What words would you use to describe a clay pot? Why is it significant that Paul describes us as being “jars of clay”?
  • When this letter was written, there were lots of subgroups in the Corinthian church that had organized around a few impressive leaders. This still happens today. Why do you think there is a tendency to get overly excited about human leaders? What problems can arise from that tendency?
  • Why do you think God loves to use ordinary people?
  • Jeff shared about a time when he first learned that God could use an ordinary person like him. Can you think of a time where you realized God was using you to show His power to others? Share with the group.
  • How available do you think you are to how God wants to use you? What would it look like to be more open?
  • Are there places where are you feeling distracted, discouraged, disqualified, beat up, or exhausted? Share with the group and take time to pray for each other.

Next Steps

While Jeff is away on study break, he and the elders want to pray for you! Share a prayer request by clicking here.