Chase Oaks Church is working to bring hope and a bright future among the very poor near Nairobi, Kenya. Please continue reading and find out more about what we are doing in Kenya and consider donating to the Chase Oaks Global Fund, which supports this important work.

If you would like to talk to someone or find out even more about Chase Oaks’ work in Africa, contact John Stanley at [email protected].

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Chase Oaks began working with churches and schools in the slums around Nairobi in 2012. One of the oldest and worst slum areas in Nairobi is the Mathare Valley. The degree of poverty there is unimaginable. People live in 6 ft. x 8 ft. shanties made of old tin and mud. There are no beds, no electricity, and no running water. People sleep on pieces of cardboard on the dirt floors of the shanties. There are public toilets shared by up to 100 people and residents have to pay to use them. Those who cannot afford to pay must use the alleys and ditches between the shanties. “Flying toilets” are plastic bags used by the residents at night, then thrown into the Nairobi River, which is the source of the residents’ water supply.

Approximately 600,000 people live in an area of three square miles. Most live on an income of less than a dollar per day. Crime and HIV/AIDS are common. Many parents die of AIDS and leave their children to fend for themselves.

Bright Hope World and Chase Oaks Church partner with Mathare Community Outreach (MCO), a church that has already built and is running two schools in the slum. MCO is doing great work caring for children and meeting needs of the poorest of the poor, but the resources of MCO are limited.

Chase Oaks Church is proud to partner with Mathare Community Outreach and help them be even more effective as they care for those who are in desperate need.

Strategy & Ministry Focus

One way to keep a developing country in a state of poverty is not creating a strong educational system for the poor whether in large cities or remote villages. In fact, lack of quality education for children may be the biggest contributing factor to remaining in poverty. Chase Oaks will always lean toward looking for opportunities to support educational advancement.

Getting students out of their well-known, daily environments is a way to expand the quick-learning minds of children. Our Kenya partner believes retreats and camps best provide the extracurricular learning spaces necessary to teach and train in specific education enhancing subjects. During certain school years, students can attend camp and explore these environments.

After the 12th year’s final exams come, students must wait a 9-month period to learn if they’ve passed and can move on to the university level or a career. The slum is not a place to be in a 9-month limbo, so our partner takes students to a farm 250 miles away to grow spiritually, emotionally, physically and relationally. They are given a plot of land to farm, while days begin at 4:30 a.m. with exercise, Bible reading, prayer, and fasting. The 6-month venture is culminated with outreach to surrounding villages. This method teaches them a skill and develops them as Christ followers. All come away with a new relationship with the Lord.

It goes without saying life in a slum is difficult on the children and families that are often trying just to survive. Our partner recognized the need for a pastor to serve these families providing spiritual and emotional support for the families associated with the supported schools. This case worker is involved with 100 children, 25 of which live at Kariobangi Children’s Home. During the day he works with the children at school and in the orphanage. Evenings and weekends, he serves the families in the church setting.