If God really loves us, why does he allow us to experience disappointment and hurt? Is there a purpose behind our ...
It’s one thing to be able to spot a lie. It’s another thing to know how to live based on the truth. Join us for th...
Qualified or not, likely choice or not…we’re all a part of the team. Join us for the second message in At the M...
Struggling to get it right? So did Abraham, whose faith journey teaches us that God values something far more than...
God values our desire for freedom. And we can find it by listening to the guidance of the one who understands and ...
How can we play to win in the new year? None of us know what 2023 will bring, but there is one thing that’s 100% i...
Sometimes, the truth hurts. But when it comes from the One who knows us intimately, loves us completely, and is co...
Have you ever felt stuck, overlooked, or forgotten? If so, don’t miss this last talk in our series, Names ...
What does it mean that God heals? And how do our assumptions impact our view of who He is and how He works in this...
Names can speak volumes, and there’s one for God that says as much about us as it does Him...
What is God really like? Out of kindness and love, God wants us to know and has not left...
Ever notice a gap between who we think we are and who others think we are? That’s small compared to the radically ...
Be a part of something huge. Jesus’ early followers were, as they spread the news of His grace and good throughout...