In a world where so much is uncertain, we can count on this: when God makes a promise, he keeps it. Join us for Ea...
What does the color green have to do with one of the world’s greatest missionaries? Both are tied to Irish history...
God knows the power of a party. In fact, he calls us to regularly, joyfully celebrate his work in and through his ...
You can’t silence every critic out there, but you can deal wisely with the things they say. Nehemiah certainly did...
Time is not a renewable resource; once it’s gone, it’s gone. How do we make the most of our remaining days? Join u...
Goals are great, but they can be misleading apart from a bigger purpose. Don’t miss the start of our new series
It's Christmastime. Holiday hustle and bustle aside, what's the meaning behind it all? No matter your background, ...
If God really loves us, why does he allow us to experience disappointment and hurt? Is there a purpose behind our ...
We’re seeing massive changes within our increasingly post-church, post-Christian culture. But we also see God’s un...
Conflict happens. But when it does, we can handle it in a way that moves relationships toward harmony and joy. Don...
Jesus didn’t come to bring us a list of demands or another fear-filled religion. He came to give us something enti...
Real joy has the power to change people, places, situations, and even our broken world. And it’s part of God’s not...
Jesus’ brand is one of radical love. But is loving someone the same as agreeing with everything they do, especiall...
What is one of the worst parts about drifting from our given calling? Most of the time, we don’t even realize it’s...
What does the word “Christianity” bring to mind in today’s culture? And is it anything close to what Jesus wanted ...
It’s natural to live out the labels that we or others stick on ourselves. But what if they’re the wrong ones? Join...
It’s one thing to be able to spot a lie. It’s another thing to know how to live based on the truth. Join us for th...