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Momma Knows Best

Jul 31, 2022

We never outgrow good advice. Wise people know when to pay attention to solid counsel...and what to do when they h...

How the Wise Get Wiser

Jul 03, 2022

Ignorance may be bliss, but it won’t help you do life well. Wisdom can, though, and it’s available to everyone. Do...

Leave a Legacy

May 08, 2022

Our wants change all the time, but our choices are building something that will last after we’re gone. Join us as ...

Connection in a Lonely World

May 01, 2022

We work hard to fit in and belong. But is it making us feel less lonely and more connected? Don't miss this weeken...

God's Dreams Are Better Than Our Dreams

Mar 20, 2022

Ready to trade up? Join us as Ryan shares how to build our lives around three things that have the power to transf...

Spiritual Rhythms

Jan 09, 2022

A new year doesn’t automatically mean a new “you.” But no matter where your starting point is, you can move forwar...

Time Flies

Nov 21, 2021

Time is something we often wish we had used differently. We can’t make more of it; we can only make the most of it...

Manage Resources Well

Nov 07, 2021

Whose is it, anyway? Our a...

Connecting Generations

Oct 03, 2021

Why do certain trends—good AND bad—keep coming back? Because we are all influenced by those who have come before a...

Molded by Experiences

Sep 05, 2021
Forget the highlight reel. It’s often our hardest or most cringeworthy moments that shape us the most. And often, the...

The Secret to Successful Relationships

Jul 11, 2021
We all want to know how to be more successful in our most-intimate relationships, especially after a year of disrupti...

Botched Reconciliation

Jun 13, 2021
Most of our conflict happens when our desires collide with others’. But playing the ‘what we want vs. what they want’...

Personal Growth

May 23, 2021
Ready, set…pause. None of us wants to pour our efforts into pursuing the wrong goal. What happens when our target is ...

What Is Heaven Like?

Apr 18, 2021
What’s heaven like? Most of us take the best of what we experience and hope that heaven is the same, or somehow bette...

Undeserved Forgiveness

Mar 14, 2021
Which would you rather live by: fairness, or forgiveness? One excludes the other, yet Jesus' last words reveal His as...

Uncommon Friendship

Feb 28, 2021
Who’s in your corner, and whose corner are you in? True “next-level” friendships are rare, but they make a radical di...

Play the Comparison Game

Feb 07, 2021
Some things aren’t winnable, no matter how much you play. Like comparing with others: it seems like a good bet, but e...

3 Daily Habits To Have an Extraordinary Year

Jan 03, 2021
After a memorable 2020, a new year with a fresh start has never been so welcome! Join us this weekend as Ryan Leak he...

Discouragement to Hope

Dec 20, 2020
Feeling discouraged? The Christmas story reminds us that you don’t have to “fake it till you make it” to be joyful ag...

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