

We seek to love in unexpected ways by entering into areas of brokenness, need, and injustice with the hope of Jesus. And this commitment extends way beyond where we live. God has called us to a global mission. Through prayer, giving, and going each of us can be a part of doing good globally.

Mission Trips Global Fund Global Impact Report


For more information on Global Partners, email our Global Empowerment Pastor John Stanley at
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Bright Hope World (Egypt)

Egypt has some of the poorest of the poor among our global partners. There are more than 20 million people in greater Cairo, trying to survive in an economic environment strained by the vast population and the country’s political instability. Many are day laborers searching for the most basic sustenance needed to support themselves and their families.

The Christian population is a highly persecuted minority in this area, enduring homelessness and a lack of income primarily because of their chosen faith. Chase Oaks Church funds 12 different projects in this partnership.

Orphan Outreach (Honduras)

Only 43% of Honduran children enrolled in primary school will complete the 6th grade. An estimated 170,000 children are orphaned, and each year there are nearly 21,000 new cases of children in crisis. Chase Oaks partners with Orphan Outreach in two projects; NiCo, a program providing children with tutoring, mentoring, nutritious meals, counseling, therapy, and Bible study; and the Foster Care Initiative with the Honduran government, finding forever families for the children.

Casa Hogar Elim (Mexico)

Casa Hogar Elim is home to 50+ children ranging from infant to 24 years of age. The children are taught to love God and depend on Him to supply their needs. Chase Oaks Church supports Casa Hogar in two ways:

  • Providing financial support for Thad and Anita Maddox and Gift of Dignity, and
  • Hosting four annual mission trips to Nuevo Laredo to serve the children and staff.

Bright Hope World (Kenya)

One of the oldest and most squalid slum areas in Nairobi is the Mathare Valley. People live in 6-by-8 foot shanties made of old tin and mud, with an income of less than a dollar per day. Chase Oaks Church partners with Mathare Community Outreach to support two development courses and university scholarships.

Moriah School of Discipleship, a six-month discipleship program for high school graduates, where they learn and develop life skills as well as habits in Bible study, prayer, fasting and outreach. All return home transformed into more devoted followers of Jesus.

Equip, a three-month leadership course for graduates of the discipleship program where they learn leadership skills for ministry and/or secular careers.

For the students who show ability and determination in education, some earn scholarships for higher education, an opportunity student from the poorest families wouldn’t have otherwise.

Bright Hope World (Uganda)

The rural village of Mbale is quite poor, leaving the children vulnerable to illness with little hope of a brighter future. Chase Oaks Church is partnering with the people of Mbale in tangible ways. We help support the Chosen Generation School by providing teacher salaries, school supplies and books, as well as a Children’s Pastor to work with the children and their families. We have also provided funding for a fresh water drinking well within the village.

The Global Outreach Fund

If you would like give financially and make a difference in key areas of the world that desperately need the hope and love of Jesus, consider giving to our Global Fund. Our Global Fund is helping fund a number of projects across the globe and has the funds to cover commitments for the next 6 months. You can also sponsor a child through our partnership with Orphan Outreach.


A mission trip can be one of the most significant and faith-building experiences of your life. Join us at one of our upcoming trips!

Nuevo Laredo (Mexico)

Casa Hogar Elim is home to 80+ children ranging from infant to 24 years of age. There are plenty of opportunities for you to get involved: cooking, cleaning, building, playing, singing, educating, hugging, and much more. Passports (adults) and birth certificates (children) are required. Our team carpools to a church in Laredo, then are transported by Casa Hogar across the border to the orphanage. Cost range: $100-$150. For more information, please contact Anita Maddox at 214-505-6601 (text or call) or email at

Upcoming Trips

La Paz (Honduras)

When: TBD
Where: La Paz, Honduras

Chase Oaks has partnered with Orphan Outreach since 2019, supporting and serving their ministry to young children and their families. We'd love for you to join us this year on our third mission trip to La Paz! We plan to bring a VBS-type program with Bible stories, along with fun crafts and games. If you enjoy this type of ministry, you'll definitely want to be a part of this opportunity.

Global Impact Report

We're passionate about being here for good and we want every community we’re in to be better off because we’re here. This commitment extends way beyond where we live. God has called us to a global mission. He is at work all across the planet, bringing his hope and redemption to everyone, everywhere… and he invites us to join him in what he's doing.

As you look through the Global Impact Report, you’ll see how God is doing big things in and through us, together. Because of your generosity, you are part of each of these stories.