Established - Schrodel-Daugherty Fellowship
Our group ranges from late 40's to mid 70's. We have empty nesters, singles, and families with college age kids and teenagers. We meet every other Thursday evening. Our group's focus is supporting one another while diving deeper into God's Word, as well as volunteering and supporting those in need in our community and worldwide. We meet on Thursdays 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. every other week. We schedule volunteer activities in between our meeting dates.
Established: Established is an 8-week experience that will help build confidence in what you believe and connect with other people. Explore foundational elements of Christianity in a small group as you learn about topics like Jesus, the Bible, prayer, and life purpose. The cost is $10 for the book. Please bring $10 for the book to the very first meeting.
Group Details:
Meets: Thursdays 7:00 PM
Type of Group: Singles, Couples
Topic: Established
Area: Wylie/Sachse/Murphy
Chuck Schrodel (Leader)
Cheryl Schrodel (Leader)
Cyndi Daugherty (Co-Leader)
Tim Daugherty (Co-Leader)
Jill Moore (Coach)
Mike Moore (Coach)