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Unexpected Jesus

September 2019

Jesus is the basis of Christianity. However, so often the picture we have in our head of Jesus is kind of placid and plastic—as if He weren’t a real person like you or me. But Jesus was very real…shockingly real. He was disruptive, angry, joyful, and surprising to every person who knew Him. For the next sermon series, we will look at some of the aspects we don’t typically hear about and become amazed by Him all over again. Join us for “Unexpected Jesus” from September 27-October 27 and take a fresh look at Jesus Christ.

Messages In This Series

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Disruptive Jesus

Oct 27 2019

Angry Jesus

Oct 20 2019

Irreligious Jesus

Oct 13 2019

Party Jesus

Oct 06 2019

Human Jesus

Sep 29 2019