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Where You Are Vs. Where You Want To Be

Feb 17, 2022
Great things rarely happen without clear vision. At the same time, there is another value that seems to compete with ...

A Leadership Choice: Connection or Isolation

Jan 31, 2022
We are wired for relationships with other people. Isolation kills us, but real connection replenishes us. This is esp...

A Challenge I Didn’t See Coming

Jan 19, 2022
We don’t always see what is coming our way, both in life and in leadership.

My Favorite Books? I Am Glad You Asked.

Jan 20, 2021
Periodically, someone will ask what books have shaped my thinking and impacted me greatly. Books have unlocked key co...

Stop The Madness

Oct 07, 2020
There are many important things that divide us. I am pondering another option these days, related to an even more imp...

Wisdom in Crisis From Dr. Henry Cloud

Mar 26, 2020
Here we are on March 26, 2020, and we are in the middle of a pandemic. The news, guidance, and restrictions seem to c...

8 Things I Am Doing During the Coronavirus Season

Mar 17, 2020
Leading ourselves well in times like these is extremely important. People need you right now like never before. Let’s...

5 Major Catalysts for Healthy Change

Dec 10, 2019
We all have situations and struggles in our lives that raise our anxieties and make life quite challenging. If we are...

Creating a Community of Love and Acceptance for Our Neighbors

Sep 12, 2019
What can we do to calm fears and create communities where all people can feel accepted, welcomed, cared for?

7 Questions for Wise Investing

Aug 22, 2019
When it comes to growing leaders, the best investment is one leader investing time and wisdom into another leader.

Five Foolish Things Leaders Do

Apr 01, 2019
Read about five foolish things that seem to trip us up as leaders.

Cultivating Your Unique Purpose

Mar 19, 2019
People like Moses, David, Ruth, Mary, and Paul set a high bar when it comes to purpose. If you happened to grow up at...

Lift Your Spirit While Lifting Someone’s Skills

Mar 01, 2019
There is a simple way to increase your happiness and fulfillment and improve a person’s skills at the same time. I wa...

Me? Needy?

Feb 19, 2019
The last thing we want someone to say about us is that we are “super needy.” We want to be independent, self-sufficie...

Is it Really Necessary for Leaders to Process Pain?

Feb 06, 2019
As leaders, we are the ones who people expect to have it together, so we rarely give ourselves permission to feel and...

Take the Mystery Out of Mentoring

Feb 01, 2019
At the end of the day, there is no magical mystical formula for mentoring. The main goal is to connect, be for each o...

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